Sisters Rising Bravely™

(a subsidiary of Culture of Civility International)

“Dialogues, workshops, and healing circles that motivate, inspire and affirm the human experience.”

“Transformational action learning experiences that fosters deep reflection, meaningful exploration, and courageous soul work.”

Safe spaces for women to explore their stories, let go of what others think, create healthier boundaries, step into self-authority, and engage in life with greater agency, authenticity and power.

Sister’s Rising Bravely in a Culture of Never Enough™

Centered around the soul stirring curriculum of Dr. Brené Brown and set in a supportive, affirming women’s circle, this immersive experience is for women craving a deeper sense of connection with themselves; who’ve put themselves last for too long; who’re ready to enter the arena to quiet the invoices of the imposter syndrome, and show up for themselves to answer their personal calls to courage.

My Sisters’ Keeper: A Mirror Toward Ourselves

Exploration of Dr. Brené Brown’s “10 Guideposts for Wholehearted Living” where women begin letting go of perfectionism, anxiety, powerlessness, comparison, what others think, and being cool in order to cultivate authenticity, gratitude, self-compassion, resilience, joy, rest, laughter, song, and dance. Participants reflect on life events they’ve survived that have aided in self-discovery and guided them in “becoming.”

Connection & Healing Through Our Untold Stories: Showing Up, Being Seen & Honoring the Lived Experiences of Our Sisters

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ~Maya Angelou ~Women are taken on a journey of self-discovery and healing where we allow ourselves to be fully seen, transforming personal narratives that have shaped our identities. We bear witness to each other’s stories to cultivate deeper levels of self-acceptance, healing and connection.

The Skin I’m In: Healing Across The Skin Color Divide™

Powerfully transformative dialogue examining the impact of the politics of hue and society’s distorted messaging around “colorism.”

Sister, I’m Sorry™

Redemptive atonement session where women’s heart-felt accounts of heartbreak, abandonment and loneliness are juxtaposed with apologies from “brothers” who take responsibility for the part men (in general) play in relationship dysfunction. Participants explore healing of past wounds, contemplate how they might show up more powerfully, and lay deeper foundations for mutual understanding.

Untold Stories™

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ~Maya Angelou ~Participants are taken on a journey of self-discovery and healing through powerfully transforming personal stories that spark intriguing dialogue; raise complex questions; shift paradigms; and speak to the human need to make sense of life.

How To Work With Us

Learn more about how Culture of Civility International can support your leaders in building courage, increasing authenticity, and leaning into tough workplace conversations.

How To Work With Us

Learn more about how Culture of Civility International can support your leaders in building courage, increasing authenticity, and leaning into tough workplace conversations.